Ley Lines of Love

Adventures Along the Spiritual Path

by Olivia Ames Hoblitzelle

Publication Year: 2024

In Ley Lines of Love, Olivia Ames Hoblitzelle shares wisdom gained from a lifetime of spiritual seeking and devoted practice. A dedicated practitioner of Buddhism, she shares many remarkable stories about her inner journey, including the joys of learning from enlightened teachers. She also recounts how her years of involvement with a devotional tradition from India ended in an archetypal story of disillusionment. In this compelling, deep and far-ranging memoir, she confronts legacy issues connected to her family and illustrious ancestry, while tracing the intricate “ley lines of love” that span cultures, centuries, and countries.


Olivia Ames Hoblitzelle | About the Author


Olivia Ames Hoblitzelle is a writer and dharma teacher whose work is inspired by almost fifty years of practice in Buddhist meditation, psychology and the wisdom traditions. She taught in the field of mind/body medicine where she pioneered the integration of meditation, yoga, and cognitive therapy with traditional Western medicine.

Olivia is the author of the award-winning book Ten Thousand Joys & Ten Thousand Sorrows: A Couple’s Journey Through Alzheimer’s, and more recently Aging with Wisdom: Reflections, Stories & Teachings. Now living in an Elder community in Massachusetts near her two families, she also spends time at the family place in Vermont where, as a lover of nature, she hikes, gardens, and sky gazes. 

Praise for Ley Lines of Love

Olivia Hoblitzelle’s life story will awaken a deep curiosity about how the mystery of loving awareness weaves through all our lived moments. This is a fascinating, wise, and deeply inspiring spiritual memoir.

— Tara Brach, bestselling author of Radical Acceptance

Both a timeless description of contemplative wisdom and an intimate personal account of a fascinating life, Ley Lines of Love is a classic spiritual masterpiece: Olivia Hoblitzelle’s authenticity, humility, wisdom, and love will awaken your soul. The depth of her experience as a seeker, as well as a mother who faced painful spiritual disillusionment, was expressed with an emotional honesty that brought me to my knees. Then she took me by the hands and raised me up again as her luminous journey of conscious discovery continued, delivering us both to a place of unalloyed wonder. Brava to a generous spirit for taking us with her on an unforgettable journey of the heart.

— Joan Borysenko PhD, bestselling author of Minding the Body, Mending the Mind

Olivia Hoblitzelle begins her book with the phrase “Ley lines of love,” by which she means “the interconnectedness of everything in the universe from individual lives to the entire cosmos.” Olivia’s spiritual autobiography is rich and deep, truly embodying these Ley lines, as they manifest outwardly as well as inwardly. In this brave book, she does not lean away from the darkness of disillusionment but rather is willing to learn and grow, bringing so many others along in her own healing and understanding. Writing about interconnectedness is one thing; in this book, Olivia finds a way to embody interconnectedness through her life story and teaches a path of great love. This is indeed a beautiful book and a precious gift to us all.

— Narayan Helen Liebenson, author of The Magnanimous Heart: Compassion and Love, Loss and Grief, Joy and Liberation

Olivia Hoblitzelle’s extraordinary life has been defined by her deep sensitivity to the mystical and spiritual realm. Answering her calling to bravely probe the meaning of existence through all its darkness and light, she leads us on a journey of continual mystery and wonder. I know no wiser, more loving elder to guide us into seeing our lives and understanding our own hearts.

— Helen Whybrow, author of A Man Apart: Bill Coperthwaite’s Radical Experiment in Living

Delightfully written, moving and inspiring, Olivia Hoblitzelle’s life odyssey pulsates with soul yearnings, cultural undertows and collective waves of becoming. Olivia shares a captivating journey, lighting up multiple facets of the spiritual awakening of our times.

— Monique Pommier PhD, author of Harmony, The Heartbeat of Creation

Olivia Hoblitzelle’s spiritual memoir Ley Lines of Love describes a courageous, insightful journey in search of Truth and the experience of spiritual interconnectedness. In her riveting narrative, she offers example after example of her commitment to spiritual life, describing how outer causes and conditions parallel her inner experiences. I found her discoveries, tools, and insights incredibly inspiring and I will cherish this book as a touchstone for my own journey.

— Lisa Prajna Hallstrom PhD, author of The Gospel of Shri Anandamayi Ma: Conversations with the Divine Mother

Moving gracefully between the erudite and the mystical, at once elegant and heartfelt, Ley Lines of Love is a beautifully written, courageous illumination of one woman’s rich and remarkable journey on the spiritual path.

— Victress Hitchcock, author of the memoir A Tree With My Name On It (2024) and director of the documentary film When the Iron Bird Flies: Tibetan Buddhism Arrives in the West

Ley Lines of Love is a love story of the soul, filled with the wisdom of numerous spiritual traditions while rooted in life’s joys and disappointments. The author’s determination to experience the freedom of her spirit leads to the discovery of the liberating power of truth-telling and revelations of divine mystery held in outer realms of consciousness. Readers will be inspired by Olivia’s extraordinary courage and devotion, and by the lessons of a life lived deeply, told beautifully with great honesty, reverence, and awe.

— Joan Diver, author of When Spirit Calls: A Healing Odyssey

Ley Lines is a compelling life story of a spiritual spelunker who, even as child, felt drawn to what is eternal and life-giving in the religious traditions of both East and West. Olivia opens her heart to the reader, allowing us to share her explorations of the spiritual teachings of Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism. In this revelatory book, at once joyful, wrenching and awakening, we accompany a woman whose spiritual journey sometimes takes her through painful, dark periods that test her determination and resilience. The reader rejoices that she always emerges into an open landscape of awareness enlivened by love.

— Dr. Robert A. Jonas, author of My Dear Far-Nearness: The Holy Trinity as Spiritual Practice

Olivia Hoblitzelle’s compelling memoir describes a life lived in pursuit of the Mystery. She shares the traditions, teachers, and practices that guided and connected her to the invisible sacred. Her stories invite us to cultivate inner awareness, moment by moment, and then “to gather light…to gather light.” Ley Lines of Love is a spiritual classic.

— Charles Busch, author of Fields of Peace, Soft as Water

Ley Lines of Love is a masterpiece in which writer and spiritual teacher Olivia Hoblitzelle deftly weaves the disparate threads of her life into a compelling story that is not only entertaining but deeply inspirational. She takes us with her on her very personal journey, both inner and outer, as she courageously shares her vulnerability as well as her unflinching commitment to honesty. Ley Lines of Love is a most courageous and generous offering to all who read it.

— Barbara McCollough, author of Digger, A Memoir

Olivia Hoblitzelle tells the story of her life-long spiritual quest to answer the perennial questions: who are we, and what is the meaning of our human life? Her heart’s longing shaped her into an intrepid student and teacher of both Western and Eastern meditation and spiritual practices. Olivia lovingly describes her encounters with many major teachers, giving us a first-person account of how Eastern spiritual traditions were planted in the US. Her vivid and beautifully written stories invite us to open our own lives to what is new and unknown and ancient beyond memory, in our interconnected world. It’s an instructive read, full of wisdom and insight. Don’t miss it.

— Penny Gill, PhD, author of The Radiant Heart of the Cosmos: Compassion Teachings for Our Time

Ley Lines of Love opens her arms to the reader with a gentle ease, an embrace of clarity and focus that carefully weaves the reader into the flow of the narrative. Olivia’s story, her spiritual autobiography, is not only her own story. In its full surrender to the power of life to shatter, break open, heal, and awaken us, this book transcends the genre. It does what a true spiritual story must do: it liberates the reader, frees her to hold her own unfolding path with awareness, care, and the love that must inevitably bubble up from our depths. Olivia’s easy prose drew me along her journey, through her early inspirations on the spiritual path together with her husband Hob, and their shared passion for insight and awakening; to the flowering ashrams of India, gardens that yet held the seeds of deeper decay and disillusionment; through the reconstruction of her spiritual self as a woman grounded in community with other women, held by the Earth, sustained by the inner weaving of life through ancestral voices, and supported by the awareness practices of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition and its teachers. Olivia shares her profound voyages into the depth of consciousness itself, blasting beyond the ego’s territory into the full visionary power of the open heart, a state of unified awareness interspersed with the undulating light of a dolphin’s eye. This is a gorgeous book and a must-read for anyone who has ever asked the real questions that animate this life: Who am I? Why am I here? How do I fit into the vastness of this universe? Gone, gone, gone beyond, gone completely beyond. So be it!

— Lama Liz Monson PhD, author of Tales of a Mad Yogi: The Life and Wild Wisdom of Drukpa Kunley

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